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Pour localiser vos sites Web à destination des marchés mondiaux, il peut être tentant d'utiliser la traduction automatique.
Tools like Google Translate are fast, cheap (or free), and relatively easy to use. While they can be handy for translating a quick phrase for a piece of content, they’re just not ideal for handling full-scale website translation.
The hard truth: Google Translate’s accuracy doesn’t always cut it.
That’s because there’s more to translation than just swapping out words in another language. Machine website translation often produces word-for-word translations, but this can lead to loss of authenticity and accuracy in the translation.
Certain English words and phrases can’t be directly translated. Producing translations like these that can be understood requires an expert linguist who knows the language, understands the culture, and can provide translations that reflect the actual language use of people in that market.
Sans cela, la crédibilité du contenu en souffrira.
Le problème de la précision crée d'autres problèmes bien au-delà de la langue et du contenu.
Relying solely a machine translation tool like Google Translate may seem like a cost-efficient idea, but the time and effort it can take to undo bad and inaccurate machine translation can mean significant spend later.
Your translators should review all the content, ensuring accuracy and completeness. They should also ensure that there is nothing that could upset or offend readers in your new markets.
Translating it correctly the first time with human expertise takes less time and money than fixing the problem later.
It doesn’t have to be machine translation vs human translation. And it doesn’t mean that machine translation doesn’t have a place in website translation. Elle peut être utile et elle a sa place.
The key is to supplement the traduction automatique process with the right human expertise to get the advantages of both.
Linguists and quality assurance teams can check the accuracy and relevance of content translated by Google Translate. This is useful for product descriptions or simple content that doesn’t require emotions or context.
Mais lorsqu'il s'agit d'un contenu qui met particulièrement votre marque en valeur, comme les contenus marketing, le contenu de leaders expérimentés ou des éléments de service client clés comme les FAQ, vous aurez besoin d'une solution plus élaborée.
C'est là que vont intervenir les experts en traduction. Ils s'appuieront sur vos guides stylistiques, vos glossaires et sur les nuances culturelles des marchés auxquels vous vous adressez pour créer un contenu authentique et personnel.
N'hésitez pas à vous appuyer sur un partenaire en traduction de sites Web pour trouver cet équilibre.
Good machine translation services should have clear criteria. We use these criteria to decide which content software can accurately translate. Additionally, they determine which content needs human expertise and linguistic knowledge.
The result is website translation that makes the most of your budget, while also avoiding awkward and costly machine translation mistakes. Ainsi, votre marque internationale peut briller, quel que soit l'endroit du monde où vous évoluez.