The Top 3 Money Saving Questions You Should Ask About Translation Memory

Using a translation memory can lead to significant cost savings... if it's used right. Make sure you ask your language service provider these important questions and optimize your cost savings.

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14 juin 2023


When it comes to translating your website quickly and cost-effectively, using a translation memory (TM) tool can be a real benefit. It functions as a database to store past translations for use at a later time. If your website tends to use the same words and phrases multiple times, a translation memory is able to deploy those repeated segments at no extra cost to you. 

While many language service providers will offer a translation memory tool for your projects, it's important to note that they are not all the same, and not all companies operate them the same way. In order to ensure you're getting the best service and saving money along the way, make sure you ask the right questions before you sign on with any LSP.  

Question 1: Will You Provide a Translation Memory?

This question may seem obvious, and maybe not worth asking, but not all companies actually provide website translation provision and maintain a mémoire de traduction for you. By running a translation memory, you can be sure your finished translations are reusable in the future. It's like a savings bank that assures that you never pay for the same translation more than once. Much like a savings account, a TM's value grows over time as more and more translations get added. In order to proceed with any translation partner, the answer to this question must be "Yes!" 

Question 2: Does Your Technology Enhance My Translation Memory?

Though a translation memory alone is valuable in ensuring consistency, accuracy, and low costs, it's important to use it in tandem with other smart technologies. Translation memories store exact translation segments from your content; adding a solution like algorithmic translation leverages content you already have in your TM to automatically generate new, human quality translations. This technology can save money for new content that is very similar to previously translated content. 

MotionPoint combines these two technologies, translation memory and algorithmic translation, along with AI to create its Adaptive Translation™ technology. Together, they produce human-quality translations that may reduce overall costs by up to 60% and limit the need for human intervention.  

If you’re asking this question and you learn that the LSP does not have the proper supporting technology, and they only boast translation memory, they may not be able to produce the most cost-effective translations for you.  

Question 3: Can I Take My Translation Memory if I Leave?

This is an often overlooked but important question. Not all companies allow you to take your translation memory's content if you leave them. By taking them with you, your new provider won't have to charge you for translations you've done in the past. Without them, you're just paying for content you've paid for before. You want to choose a translation company that allows you to take your memory with no hidden costs. 

Not sure your LSP is taking proper care of your translation memory? Reach out to us and we'll give you a FREE memory assessment. And if you decide to switch, we’ll cover any discrepancies between you and your provider. 

Ask Us About MotionPoint

When you choose a website translation solution, like MotionPoint, that’s trusted by many of the world’s most recognizable brands, you get: 

  1. A Translation Memory that reflects and preserves your brand. 
  2. Additional money-saving technologies like Algorithmic Translation and AI tools. 
  3. A high-quality translation memory service that you will never want to leave. But if you do, you can take your memory with you. 

Drop us a line today to learn about the value of a well-kept translation memory.  

Dernière modification : 14 juin 2023
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About fdrucker

Frank Drucker is a proven leader of strong teams that develop great software products by embracing agile principles and frameworks. As MotionPoint's Director of Product Management, he is responsible for the company's product roadmaps and is passionate about developing and executing them to build products that customers love.

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Director of Product Marketing