Education for the localization industry

MotionPoint Ressources

Welcome to MotionPoint’s dynamic hub of videos, e-books, graphics and articles about website localization for marketers.

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Breaking into New Markets with Multilingual Customer Portals

Read Now , About Breaking into New Markets with Multilingual Customer Portals

Latest e-Book:


A Marketer’s Guide: The Impact of Website Translation on Digital Marketing Metrics and KPIs

Read Now , About A Marketer’s Guide: The Impact of Website Translation on Digital Marketing Metrics and KPIs

Latest Infographic:


5 astuces pour éblouir vos clients internationaux en ligne

Read Now , About 5 Ways to Dazzle Your Online International Customers

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3 Questions with Anna Leikas

Watch Now , About 3 Questions with Anna Leikas

MotionPoint Blog


A marketing blog about website translation and localization best practices

Evan Kramer's avatar

About Evan Kramer

Evan Kramer has over 25 years’ experience managing private equity and venture-backed companies focused on digital transformation, marketing, and technology.

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MotionPoint Videos

À propos de MotionPoint

MotionPoint Platform:

Adaptive Translation:

Overcome the Top 6 Challenges of Translation and Localization


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3 Components of Multilingual Omnichannel Marketing

Multilingual Executives

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Adaptive Translation


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The MotionPoint Platform


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Pros of Globalization

MotionPoint Minutes

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Le taux de foisonnement positif

MotionPoint Minutes

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Transnational Strategy

MotionPoint Minutes

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AdaptiveCon 2024: Unlock the power of AI for Brand-Specific Translations


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WebLoc: Mastering Website Translation for Marketers


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3 Questions with Anna Leikas

3 Questions with MotionPoint

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3 Questions with Charles Lesperance

3 Questions with MotionPoint

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3 Questions with Evan Kramer (Adaptive Translation™)

3 Questions with MotionPoint

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3 Questions with Verity Cockburn

3 Questions with MotionPoint

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3 Questions with Stephen Tyler

3 Questions with MotionPoint

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3 Questions with Frank Drucker

3 Questions with MotionPoint

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3 Questions with Ellen Whiteman

3 Questions with MotionPoint

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3 Questions with Jason Brick

3 Questions with MotionPoint

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3 Questions with Evan Kramer – Insource Vs Outsource

3 Questions with MotionPoint

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AdaptiveCon: The Future of Website Translation in Light of AI


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Webinaire : les avantages de la traduction de votre contenu multicanal


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Webinaire MotionPoint : la traduction de sites Web en espagnol pour les organismes du secteur de la santé


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Webinaire MotionPoint : la traduction de sites Web en espagnol pour les institutions financières


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La traduction de sites Web : les avantages de l'approche par proxy


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Optimisation des mots-clés pour les meilleures pratiques en matière de SEO international


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Trouver le juste milieu entre coûts et contenus dans la traduction de sites Web


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Le véritable coût de la traduction de sites Web


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Le fonctionnement de notre solution par proxy


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3 défis pour la traduction multilingue de sites Web avec système de gestion de contenu (CMS)


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La solution clé en main


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Étude de cas Master Lock – Assurer la croissance internationale en ligne


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3 conseils pour concevoir un site Web prêt pour le commerce mondial


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Quatre raisons de traduire votre site Web


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3 conseils pour concevoir un site Web prêt pour le commerce mondial


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Actualités MotionPoint


AdaptiveCon 2024: The Premier Event for Cutting-Edge Website Translation Case Study

Read Now , About AdaptiveCon 2024: The Premier Event for Cutting-Edge Website Translation

MotionPoint Announces MP Concierge: New All-in-One Plan Case Study

Read Now , About MotionPoint Announces MP Concierge: New All-in-One Plan

How Website Translators are Capitalizing on AI and Machine Translation Case Study

Read Now , About How Website Translators are Capitalizing on AI and Machine Translation

How to Create Your Brand’s Perfect Digital Channel Strategy Case Study

Read Now , About How to Create Your Brand’s Perfect Digital Channel Strategy

Ressources MotionPoint

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