Stratégies commerciales internationales

Les achats pour la rentrée scolaire représentent une opportunité d'attirer la clientèle hispanique des États-Unis

À l'approche de la rentrée scolaire, notre vice-président exécutif partage plusieurs des meilleures pratiques de vente au détail pour aider les entreprises à servir leurs clients hispanophones.

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03 septembre 2018

Craig Witt
Craig Witt

Retailers looking to attract new U.S. Hispanic customers should take advantage of the back-to-school shopping season, writes MotionPoint EVP Craig Witt in a guest post for the Retail TouchPoints blog.

The U.S. Hispanic demographic is rapidly growing in both population and economic power. Currently the second-largest ethnic group in the US, one in four children is of Hispanic origin or descent, and Hispanic parents spend an estimated $148 more on back-to-school shopping than the general population. To effectively reach this population and win their business, there are some key best practices retailers should follow, Witt said.

Read more in Witt’s full article at the Retailer TouchPoints blog.

Dernière modification : 03 septembre 2018
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