Due to strict Internet regulations and cultural nuances, China remains a difficult market to successfully serve online.

But businesses that learn how China differs from the rest of the world can apply best practices that improve organic search-engine traffic, website usability and conversion rates.

This book offers actionable insights that businesses can use as they explore ways to serve Chinese customers online.

Dans cet e-book, vous apprendrez :

  • How to use URL structures that Chinese consumers trust
  • What the “Great Firewall of China” does—and doesn’t—do
  • Chinese alternatives for YouTube, Facebook and other social media platforms
  • Why the Chinese language is useful for reaching other Asian markets

Knowing how online business works in China will help your company avoid many struggles that Western brands often face when entering this unique and prosperous market.

Cet e-book aborde :

  • Recommendations for top level domains, sub domains and subdirectories
  • Important information about content laws and ICP certification
  • Common mistakes companies make with CDNs, and how to avoid them

Remember: It’s a challenge to understand China’s special technical and legal requirements. But for those who leverage the right website translation technologies and best practices, the effort is certainly worth it.

Télécharger cet e-book

En savoir plus

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