Traduire vos portails client sécurisés améliore l'expérience client et vos conversions

Découvrez l'importance de la localisation du portail d'assistance client sécurisé de votre entreprise pour booster l'engagement, éblouir les acheteurs et bien plus.

Photo de profil de Jessica Rivera
Jessica Rivera

22 janvier 2020


Your multilingual and international customers rightfully expect to be served in their preferred languages—especially online.

But if you’re trying to engage them with a localized experience that doesn’t include your secure login areas, you’re missing a critical CX element that may make them stop being customers altogether.

Secure portals play a vital role in the customer experience:

  • They provide self-service support resources that help customers solve problems quickly
  • They present up-to-date content and time-sensitive announcements in a centralized place
  • They create opportunities for cross-sell and upsell transactions
  • Depending on the industry, they offer management tools for user accounts, wealth management, private patient information, product tracking and returns, and more

Here’s why localizing your secure portals can dramatically improve your CX and generate more engagement, conversions and credibility among new and repeat customers.

The Opportunity Costs are Real

Offering multilingual users a localized buyer’s journey can dramatically improve engagement and conversions. But neglecting to localize their post-conversion customer journey sabotages all that effort.

For instance: If customers can’t understand the contents of their secure account-management pages, they won’t reap the benefits of further engagement or transaction opportunities—and neither will your company.

Reduces International Customer Service Costs

When multilingual customers can't find support and account information in their preferred languages, they turn to Customer Service departments for help. This can dramatically increase the number of support requests. Mitigating this growing workload requires hiring more bilingual Customer Service employees, which significantly increases personnel and support costs.

Localizing portals eliminates most of these operational complexities and resource demands.

Improves Customer Engagement in New Markets

Many portals use complex web applications—often powered by Angular, React and other frameworks—or leverage AJAX calls to dynamically present personalized content to users in real-time.

These technologies create unique experiences that dramatically increase customer on-site engagement and interaction. They also enable customers to instantly compare different products and services, make informed decisions about their accounts, manage payments and more.

Translating these experiences for multilingual customers ensures you're delivering a CX that's just as good as your origin portal's, and offering the same robust (and often revenue-boosting) capabilities. Vos clients méritent une expérience client d'exception, et qui plus est, c'est exactement ce qu'ils attendent.

Creates Untapped Cross-Sell and Upsell Opportunities

Localizing your customer portal also enables you to apply successful sales approaches that you’ve already perfected on your origin-language portal (which serves your primary market).

Your organization already understands the business goals of its primary-market customers; your new multilingual customers have similar, if not identical, needs. A localized portal provides a new, differentiated ecosystem to increase lifetime value with cross-sell and upsell opportunities.

In addition, the unique user behavior and transactional trends you collect via a translated portal provides intelligence that can be leveraged in the long term—and even inform the creation of specialized offerings for certain markets.

Reaches Multilingual Customers In the Channels They Prefer

Global smartphone and tablet adoption continues to skyrocket, especially in international markets where many buyers are either mobile-first or mobile-exclusive. You can capitalize on this phenomenon by localizing your mobile portal and smartphone portal apps.

This provides your mobile-first customers with a satisfying "always on" user experience. It also enables you to more effectively track mobile customer engagement, adapt to usage trends, and-with properly optimized content and capabilities-differentiate your offerings from less mobile-savvy competitors.

Empowers You to ‘Sell Like a Local’

You can further improve conversion rates by leveraging localizations within your translated portal. Localizations are authentic, locally-resonant words and phrases that relate to local customs, culture and buying habits. You can create promotions timed to regionally relevant holidays and celebrations, too.

Ces traductions « qui utilisent la langue locale » participent à la crédibilité de la marque, développent la confiance et améliorent les conversions.

Generates Goodwill Among New Customers

S'ils ont le choix, les clients préféreront toujours acheter auprès d'une marque qui les valorise. Offering a localized customer experience-one that's just as powerful, persuasive and authentic as the ones you offer to your primary market-indicates that you are committed to them, and that your intentions aren't purely opportunistic.


Localizing your secure portals is an optimal way to help ensure that your multilingual and international customers become faithful repeat buyers.

But translating portal experiences is very challenging; it generates much more ongoing technical and operational work than most people realize. This is because many of the compelling capabilities of portals are powered by very complex technologies and frameworks.

Detecting, compiling and localizing the translatable content embedded within this complicated code is notoriously difficult, if not impossible, for in-house teams and nearly all translation vendors to localize. They often fail to detect all-or even most-of a portal's content. Functionality issues often arise, too.

Sidestep this risk by finding a great website translation services that can help you implement these customer-friendly best practices—and help supercharge your global expansion efforts, both in the short- and long-term.

Dernière modification : 22 janvier 2020
Photo de profil de Jessica Rivera

A propos de Jessica Rivera

Jessica Rivera apporte à son rôle de vice-présidente directrice des ventes mondiales et affaires commerciales de MotionPoint son expertise des affaires internationales, son leadership et une approche holistique du développement des équipes et de la culture d'entreprise. Elle a plus de 15 ans d'expérience dans des postes de direction dans diverses sociétés SaaS et fintech.

Photo de profil de Jessica Rivera
Jessica Rivera

VP déléguée au personnel et à la performance / Directrice juridique