Establishing a local sales presence is important for driving sales and revenue in global markets.

But when companies rush into it without doing their homework, they can end up wasting time, money and effort instead. Developing sales teams for foreign markets requires a lot of careful planning and taking a host of factors into consideration. This new e-book helps companies examine the elements that impact the global sales team development process, including:
  • Your company’s needs
  • The preferences, business practices and culture of your foreign market(s)
  • Available resources.
  • Cost and logistics
You’ll also discover your best resources for valuable insights and find practical advice for avoiding the costly mistakes unprepared companies make when establishing local sales teams.
Download this e-book containing:
  • Actionable ways to determine local customers’ needs during the buyer’s journey
  • Ways to evaluate potential sales office locations
  • Information about language requirements for local sales teams
  • Advice on establishing brand awareness and informational support with a multilingual website
Remember: Expanding the global reach of your brand with local sales teams is a valuable investment—and one that should not be taken lightly. But companies have the best success abroad when they stay true to serving the needs of customers everywhere.   Télécharger cet e-book

En savoir plus

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